Wild Culture interests (up to 7)
A brief overview of my work (up to 400 characters)
I work as a wilderness guide in Arctic Alaska and hold an MA in cultural anthropology from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. My books include "Where the Rain Children Sleep: A Sacred Geography of the Colorado Plateau," four anthologies of outdoors writing, a recent essay collection, "American Wild: Explorations from the Grand Canyon to the Arctic Ocean," and "Ice Bear: The Cultural History of an Arctic Icon." My writing has also appeared in Sierra, Outside, Audubon, National Wildlife, National Parks, High Country News, and the San Francisco Chronicle.
My portfolio (up to 12 pieces of any kind)

My blisswork is (up to 4)
Editing (text)
Writing (non-fiction)
I might like to help or collaborate with people who have skills in these areas
Editing (text)
Writing (non-fiction)