Wild Culture interests (up to 7)
A brief overview of my work (up to 400 characters)
As a dancer I wanted to bring fire and sensuality to serious subjects and put them on our ballet-dominated stages.As a choreographer I wanted to elevate dance to the level of literature and music, at least as much as was in my power to do so. I am also interested in somehow helping women throughout the world to experience full lives free of the oppression that is still plaguing them in so many parts of the world. I would also like to bring what vibrancy I can to Wild Culture
Further comments about my 'blisswork'
Though I am writing poetry now my life has been dedicated to creating a local force for fine modern dance in our part of Canada.. I feel compelled to write about dance and its serious value in a community and of course like any person who doesn't have their head in the sand I care deeply about saving our planet.
My blisswork is (up to 4)
Writing (non-fiction)
Writing (poetry)
I might like to help or collaborate with people who have skills in these areas
Writing (almost anything)