The Journal of Wild Culture

Having attained a pariah-like status in some quarters, we're wonder . . . is it worth saving? By Edward O'Connor.
Providing clues to changes in an important ecological
A long poem sequence about forms of resistance, survival,
As a parting gift he left us the instructions. By Brian
On bumping up against the unknowable. By Edward O'Connor.
Where we live — from the photo gallery of the European
Picking up, going to live somewhere else . . . and what
The keen eye of Rick/Simon celebrates details in the
A film about Gregory Bateson's systemic mindset proves his
Mutualist forest plant cooperation in action. By Renee
A professor receives a student's praise. By Rebecca Comay.
I dream of swaying. . . Two poems by F. Kate Langan.
On preconceptions about female behaviour in the animal