The Journal of Wild Culture

Ways to think about the recent US election . . . and reasons to believe in progress. Interview with Henry Giroux.
A film about Gregory Bateson's systemic mindset proves his
How do we turn down the fascistic power that appears to
Mutualist forest plant cooperation in action. By Renee
A professor receives a student's praise. By Rebecca Comay.
I dream of swaying. . . Two poems by F. Kate Langan.
On preconceptions about female behaviour in the animal
Saluting creativity on the streets of Manhattan, nine years
"He wears the story of his life on his body and in his
A chronicle of the Hollywood blacklist and a brilliant film
Reflections on the loss of an extraordinary figure.
Leaving the soil science books behind. By Rebecca Weil.
Righting the balance of domination by the old-boys'