Each bubble an ocean
Worlds contained
Bellies within Bellies
Sacks of water
Entire ecosystems salt the
Divisions stretched to tissue
Material blurred
Photons glance off proteins
Spider silk catches
The spring light
And prey, more efficiently than
The Spider in question
Waddles towards the centre
Repairing warp and weft
Soon, some of my constituents
Will constitute a spider
Or bacteria
Or grass, processing light.
Heidi James’ novel Wounding will be published by Bluemoose Books in 2014. Her novella The Mesmerist's Daughter (published by Apis Books) was launched in July 2007. Her novel Carbon, was published by Blatt in October 09 and is published in Spanish by El Tercer Nombre. Carbon is currently being made into a film by British film company, Institute for Eyes. She has collaborated with artists including Delaine LeBas, Gwyneth Herbert, Mike Chavez Dawson, Marisa Carnesky and Tara Darby. Her essays and short stories have appeared in various publications and anthologies including Dazed and Confused, Next Level, Flux, Brand, Mslexia, Another Magazine, Undercurrent, 3:AM London, New York, Paris, Dreams That Money Can Buy, Full Moon Empty Sports Bag, Pulp.net etc. She has an MA in Creative Writing and a PhD in English Literature.

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