
10 tbsp flour
7 tbsp sugar
3 eggs
500 grams (1.1 lb.) total of the following; just put in what you have and balance the mixture as to preference. The idea is to keep the recipe quick and simple.
Dried apricots
Dried figs
Dried raisins
Dried cranberries
Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans.
Candied orange peel
Mix flour, sugar and eggs. Chop, not too finely, other ingredients. Mix together by hand. Do not use a mixer.
In a fruitcake or loaf pan, insert baking paper to which you apply coconut oil or an equivalent fat. Fold mixture into pan.
Bake for 40 minutes in a preheated oven at 320F/160C.
When cool, turn upside down and peel off baking paper. Cut into slices, not too thinly, and serve.

It's not often that a
It's not often that a literary journal leaves you drooling.
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