The work they did . . .

"100 lashes if you don't die laughing!"

Gay Marriage

"You mustn’t make fun!”

"Love is stronger than hate."

Marine Le Pen of the far right-wing Front National Party: "I shave my moustache."

"Michael Jackson, finally white"

"Shit, It's easier to understand with pictures."

J a n u a r y 7, 2 0 1 5

Who they were . . .
Stéphane Charbonnier, 47, aka Charb — Editor
“If one person is injured or killed, it doesn't mean all of France will be put on its knees.
It's not Islam attacking France, it's one person attacking another person, that's all.”
“It's not exactly our drawings that have power, it's our stubbornness
— a stubbornness to continue doing what we feel like doing, through drawing....
It comes from the fact that I have nothing else. The only thing we have is our freedom
of speech. If we give up on that, we'd need to change fields. Do other things.” 1

Jean Cabut, 76, aka Cabu — cartoonist
"Sometimes laughter can hurt but laughter, humour and mockery are our only weapons.

Georges Wolinski, 80, aka Wolin — cartoonist
"Paradise is full of idiots who believe it exists".

Bernard Verlhac, 58, aka Tignous — cartoonist
"I don't look to provoke.... I recounted what I saw and heard, without embellishment."

Bernard Maris, 68, writer of the "Uncle Bernard' column — economist and journalist
"What were economists for, one will ask a hundred years from now? To make people laugh."

Philippe Honoré, 73, aka Honoré — cartoonist

Mustapha Ourrad, 60 — copy editor

Elsa Cayat, 54 — psychoanalyst, author, columnist

Michel Renaud, 69 — journalist and visitor at the Charlie Hebdo office on January 7

Brigadier Franck Brinsolaro, 47 — police bodyguard of Stéphane Charbonnier

Ahmed Merabet, 42 — policeman
"I speak now to all racists, Islamophobes and anti-Semites, to say that you must not mix extremists with Muslims. Fools have no particular
color or religion. I would still make a point: Stop making this amalgam; stop starting wars, burning mosques and synagogues and attacking
people. It will not bring back our dead and it does not soothe our families." — brother of Ahmed Merabet, January 10, reported in FranceInfo

Frederic Boisseau, 42 — caretaker

• ‘We vomit’ on Charlie Hebdo’s sudden friends, staff cartoonist says
• An Update From Paris: This Jew is Still Here, and She is Not Leaving
• What everyone gets wrong about Charlie Hebdo and racism
And the new cover of Charlie Hebdo, published January 14.

All is forgiven.
I am Charlie.

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