Grappling with Jordan Peterson

Grappling with Jordan Peterson
Published: Jan 20, 2018
Psychologist and professor Jordan Peterson has come to fame — or notoriety, depending on your perspective — over the last couple of years, and right now following his appearance on a UK interview show. But many of those who found him through his criticisms of political correctness — and his pushback against gender pronouns and certain aspects of social justice warrior culture — are saying they have discovered one of the world's most significant thinkers. Journalist David Fuller (of the intriguing UK collective, Rebel Wisdom) asks why, and in the process has produced one of the best documentaries about Petersen we have seen. Whether you agree with him or not, Peterson is a necessary thinker of our times. And if nothing else, his consideration of the deeper threads of codes within our cultural history, and how current political trends can lead us in some dangerous directions, is worth the effort. [Part two highlighting the thoughtful work of the UK men's collective, Rebel Wisdom.]



REBEL WISDOM is a collective of men sharing their skills to help other men to grow up and show up more in the world. Mentored by facilitator Rafia Morgan, who has been leading gatherings of people through transformational experiences for 40 years, and has created dozens of group processes such as Inner Man, Inner Woman, Path Retreats and Working With People. Rebel Wisdom also includes the skills of journalist and facilitator David Fuller, meditation teacher Alexander Beiner, men’s coach Clive Selwyn, and yoga teacher and trainer Carl Faure.



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